Often, the massage of the cervical-collar area is called "anti-stress massage". The matter is that instinctively in stressful situations, a person strains the muscles of his/her shoulder girdle. This is due to the human desire to "hide him/ herself" from any unpleasant psychological experiences. If the tension is accumulated and the stress lasts for a long time, the muscles of shoulders and neck form a strong rigid frame, the so-called "high-stress shell" causing stiffness of movements and pain in muscles. Constantly, this muscular armor makes a person to keep his/her stressful situation in memory. That is why the massage of the collar area is used. It is able to relieve the tension, literally "to remove the burden of problems from the tired shoulders". Upon this, the blocks in the muscles disappear and the blood flow improves. The massage of the neck and the shoulders as well as of the upper area of the spine enables getting rid of headaches, back pain and insom-nia. Edemas and swelling disappear, too. This massage will grant you the cheerfulness and for sure it is able to distract you from worries.