Experience the tranquility world by way of trying Lomi-Lomi, the sacred Hawaiian massage!
During the massage, masseur's movements resemble dancing. The master works now with his elbows, then his forearms, then his palms, then his fingers... During this massage, the divine energy is transmitted to you through the hands of your masseur. After all, initialy, this massage combined a spiritual practice, a manual therapy, healer's good intentions and even breathing and energy of the Nature itself. This massage improves a person's mental and emotional condition, his/her physical and psychological state. The whole body relaxes; any blocks, tensions, fears and fatigue go away. It results in relieving; so a person plunges into a deep rest. The one, who is subjected to this massage, gets a gentle organism cleansing, healing and strengthening of the whole body. Lomi-Lomi provides everyone with what he/she needs at the moment. If to judge on the effect, 2-3 hours of this massage are equal to three days of a high-quality rest at a resort.