"Royal massage" by four hands is the non-standard and creative massage type.
It engages two masseuses working synchro-nously, which enables creating of extraordinary harmony feeling and gives the deep relaxation state to our guests. The simultaneous actions of two masseuses create the integrity illusion of the massage process, which develops the warmth throughout your body. Every particle of the body is worked through and warmed up.

The four-hand massage is able to bring the guest's body into the state of the harmonious balance; upon that, the guest feels an influx of vitality and an increase in his/her overall tone.
When performed by the professional masters of the Bali Spa salon, the massage of this type stimulates significantly improvement of performance and reaction speed as well as thinking vividness and clarity. Also, this massage is an excellent tool for getting rid of chronic fatigue and de-stressing.
The four-hand massage is an ideal way to get rid of the consequences of job-related constant pressures, frequent travels and too intense lifestyle of any type.